I wouldn’t call myself the most experienced photojournalist in the world but I would like to say that I have had some experience. During the first Black Lives Matter protest in Northampton back in June 2019, I was contacted by a student photographer at the University of Northampton, telling me how my photos were inspiring and asked me how I got my inspiration?
I will admit that I was shocked by this as I had not really given it too much in the way of thought which has made me inquisitive and wanting to know more about the reason why I love photojournalism.
Photojournalism comes in all sorts of genres. Photographing fans is what gave me my basic training into candid shooting.
Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on events based on facts and supported with proof or evidence.
Photojournalism is the documentation of this proof of an event that is incoherent to the words beside in order to tell a story or enhance the point.
Photojournalists must be well informed and knowledgeable about events happening!
As the photographer, I find it important to have as much information as possible going into any job in order for me to obtain the best images possible to corroborate a story and this is where communication between a written journalist and the photographer is key to any successful story.
Enhances a story.
Helps us celebrate those memorable moments.
Powerful imagery helps impact a story.
Police drag away Extinction Rebellion protestor on Day 2 of ‘Two Weeks Of Action’ on 24th August 2021.
Police control traffic after a bad car crash. I purposely positioned myself so the policewoman was in front of the victims being treated by the paramedics behind her.
Use of lighting to emphasise the visual impact of a story.